Hello! I’m Samantha, a storyteller sharing other storytellers’ stories. I recently graduated with my MFA in Creative Writing and needed to get back into the groove of reading books for enjoyment, but along the way, I thought about how hard writers work to get their books out there and decided to dedicate a space to gush over how amazing their books are. *in Powerpuff Girls narrator’s voice* And Love, Books Studio was born!
This is a space where I can share reviews and content that uplift and appreciate the care writers share with the world. As a writer myself, I learn a lot from authors in my community and have been taught by wonderful people who love to tell stories just as much as I do. There will be listicles, book news, author highlights, and more bookish content to look for on Love, Books Studio Blog.
You will find reviews from a variety of genres, with a sprinkle of book-to-film comparison reviews as well. My undergraduate background is in film so I have a particular interest in books turned into movies. Follow along with me and let’s talk about the good and bad of book adaptations, and maybe some screenwriting tips added in as well.
Love, Books Studio has an Etsy shop too. If you run a book club, are a creative arts student, or have writing friends, find book and writing merch at Love, Books Studio Shop. We got tote bags to carry all those books; T-shirts to show off your literary interests; Stickers; Charms; Gift boxes; and more! For updates on new shop items, sign up for the Love, Books Studio newsletter.
Feel free to reach out and follow us on Instagram @lovebooksstudio
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